An agreement of academic collaboration has been signed between PEER and the following five Japanese research institutions:
- National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (“NIED”)
- RIKEN Center for Computational Science (“R-CCS”)
- Center for Mathematical Science and Advanced Technology (“MAT/JAMSTEC”)
- Kobe University, Graduate School of Engineering (“KU Engineering”)
- Kobe University, Research Center for Urban Safety and Security (“RCUSS”)
All six organizations share mutual interests in education and research, including simulation research for prevention and mitigation for natural disaster impact on infrastructure, and liquefaction. They have agreed to implement the following activities:
- joint research activities
- exchange of faculty, researchers, students, and staff
- exchange of research results and publications
Professor Kenichi Soga, of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley, states that "this large consortium agreement among top Japanese research institutions and PEER will accelerate on-going collaborations and will build new research in the area of high performance computing-based assessment of infrastructure resilience at city and regional scales."
PEER Director Khalid Mosalam adds that "PEER looks forward to continuing collaboration on natural hazards risk reduction with our colleagues from these outstanding institutions in Japan under the umbrella of this agreement."
This collaborative agreement offers expanded research opportunities for researchers from PEER institutions. Please contact PEER at with inquiries or statements of interest.