The PEER-Bridge Research Program is a streamlined framework of the Caltrans bridge research program, supporting innovative work on a wide range of topics such as new materials, accelerated bridge construction, maintenance, sustainability, design and analysis. A single master contract is established between Caltrans and PEER, and different projects are executed as Task Orders under the master contract. The PEER-Bridge Program is open to researchers from all public core institutions.
Since its start in 2020, the PEER-Bridge Research Program has funded eight projects. During each RFP cycle, PEER receives many proposals that are reviewed favorably, but are not funded due to limited resources. This pool of highly reviewed but unfunded proposals of past PEER RFPs, along with direct solicitations received by Caltrans, were considered in this cycle. Of these, six new projects are funded, comprising a total funding of $900,000.
PEER thanks all the PIs who submitted proposals in the past RFPs, and the efforts of reviewers who provided detailed feedback. Details of the funded projects are provided below.