The impact of a PEER funded research project “Modeling Bay Area Transportation Network Resilience” is highlighted below. The project Principal Investigator is Jack Baker, Associate Professor, Stanford University. The research team includes Rodrigo Silva, Graduate Student Researcher, Stanford University and Gitanjali Bhattacharjee, Graduate Student Researcher, Stanford University.
Download the Research Project Highlight which includes the abstract. (PDF)
Research Impact:
Community resilience is the focus of significant attention from a number of civic and research agencies. Common activities include the setting of resilience goals and the development of frameworks for describing resilience. This project aims to develop predictive models that relate individual bridge performance to those broader resilience goals. One aim of the project is thus to provide a link between PEER’s work on enhanced bridge systems and the broader world’s interest in enhanced disaster resilience. We also aim to identify key transportation network components and corridors whose functioning is deemed critical to regional resilience.
By quantifying the benefits of improved bridge technology for community resilience, this project will help make the case for investing in higher-performance bridge systems (similar to the way that PEER’s PBEE has helped make the case for investing in higher-performance building systems). By using performance metrics more closely aligned with those of relevance for resilience assessments, this project will also position PEER’s research to more directly play a role in regional resilience planning efforts, such as SPUR’s work with San Francisco and those of the region’s Chief Resilience Officers.
Posted on May 7th, 2018