Day 1: Tuesday August 7
Time | Session | Title | PI | Presenter | Institution |
8:00 AM | Registration & Breakfast | ||||
8:30 AM | Opening Remarks & PEER Activities [pdf] [video] | Khalid Mosalam | UCB/PEER | ||
8:45‐10:15 | Geo Hazards |
Liquefaction Triggering and Effects at Silty Soil Sites [pdf] [video] |
Jonathan Bray |
Bray |
Next‐Generation Liquefaction project (NGL) ‐ Implications for Models |
Jon Stewart |
Paolo Zimmaro |
Next‐Generation Liquefaction project (NGL) ‐ Japan Data Collection & Triggering Evaluation [pdf] [video] |
Steve Kramer |
Mike Greenfield |
UW |
10:15‐10:30 | Break | ||||
10:30‐12:15 | OpenSees & Computation |
Towards Next Generation p‐y Formulations: Statistical Assessment of Uncertainties in Soil Resistance Functions |
Ann Lemnitzer |
Lemnitzer |
Implementation and Validation of PM4Sand in OpenSees |
Pedro Arduino |
Arduino |
UW |
Micro‐inspired Continuum Modeling Using Virtual Experiments [pdf] [video] |
Jose Andrade | John Harmon | Caltech | ||
Resolution of Non‐Convergence Issues in Seismic Response Analysis of Bridges [pdf] [video] | Filip Filippou | Thanh Do | UCB | ||
12:15‐1:15 | Lunch | ||||
1:15‐3:00 | Transportation Networks |
Modeling Bay Area Transportation Network Resilience [pdf] [video] | Jack Baker | Gutanjali Bhattacharjee & Rodigo Silva Lopez |
Stanford |
High Performance Computing Based Distributed Multi‐Layered City Scale Transportation Network Tool [pdf] [video] | Kenichi Soga | Soga | UCB | ||
Development of a Database and a Toolbox for Regional Seismic Risk Assessment of California’s Highway Bridges [pdf] [video] | Ertugrul Taciroglu | Barbaros Cetiner | UCLA | ||
Towards Multi‐Tier Modeling of Liquefaction Impacts on Transportation Infrastructure [pdf] [video] | Brett Maurer | Mauer | UW | ||
3:00‐3:15 | Break | ||||
3:15‐5:00 | PBEE |
Stochastic Modeling and Simulation of Near‐Fault Ground Motions for use in PBEE |
Armen Der Kiureghian |
Mayssa Dabaghi |
Caltrans-PEER Workshop on Bridge Component Capacity Limit States [pdf] [video] | Sashi Kunnath | Kunnath | UCD | ||
A Systematic Computational Framework for Multi‐span Bridge PBEE Applications [pdf] [video] |
Ahmed Elgamal | Abdullah Almutairi | UCSD | ||
UNR‐Stanford: Accounting for Earthquakes Duration in Performance‐Based Evaluation and Design of Bridges [pdf] [video] | Mohamed Moustafa | Moustafa | UNR |
Day 2: Wednesday August 8
Time | Session | Title | PI | Presenter | Institution |
8:00 AM | Registration & Breakfast | ||||
8:30 AM | Opening Remarks & Summary of Day 1; Upcoming RFP Plans [pdf][video] |
Amarnath Kasalanati | UCB/PEER | ||
8:45‐10:15 | Experimental Research |
Dynamic Testing of Dry Socket Connections in Re-Centering Bridge Columns for Accelerated Bridge Construction [pdf] [video] |
Josè Restrepo |
Restrepo |
System Level Performance Evaluation of Earthquake Resilient Bridges Using Hybrid Simulation and PBEE [pdf] [video] | Khalid Mosalam | Selim Gunay | UCB | ||
Shake Table Tests on Shallow Foundations in Liquefied Soils Supported on Helical Piles (yr 1) [pdf] [video] | Ramin Motamed | Milad Jahed Orang | UNR | ||
10:15‐10:30 | Break | ||||
10:30‐12:15 | New Technologies |
Influence of Vertical Ground Shaking on Design of Bridges Isolated with Friction Pendulum Bearings [pdf] [video] |
Keri Ryan |
Ryan |
Dissipative Base Connections for Moment Frame Structures in Airports and other Transportation Systems [pdf] [video] | Amit Kanvinde | Kanvinde | UCD | ||
Geometrically Exact Nonlinear Modeling of Multi‐Storage Friction [pdf][pdf] [video] |
Sanjay Govindjee | Govindjee | UCB | ||
12:15‐1:15 | Lunch | ||||
1:15‐3:00 | Other Hazards Networks |
How the Water/Binder Ratio and Voids Affect the Performances of Hardened Concrete Subjected to Fire [pdf] [video] | Kamran Nemati | Michael Scott | UW |
Testing and Hybrid Simulations of Environmentally Damaged Bridge Columns [pdf] [video] |
Claudia Ostertag | Ian Williams | UCB | ||
Fluid‐Structure Interaction and Python Scripting Capabilities in OpenSees [pdf] [video] |
Minjie Zhu | Zhu | OSU | ||
3:00‐3:15 | Break | ||||
3:15‐5:00 | Post‐Disaster Assessment |
Aftershock Seismic Vulnerability and Time‐dependent Risk Assessment of Bridges [pdf] [video] | Henry Burton | Sujith Mangalathu | UCLA |
Swarm‐Enabled Infrastructure‐Mapping for Rapid Damage Assessment Following Earthquakes [pdf] [video] | Tarek Zohdi | Zhodi | UCB | ||
Closing Remarks & Open Discussion [pdf] [video] |
Khalid Mosalam |
Mosalam |