PEER Workshops

2019 Researchers' Workshop

The PEER Researchers’ Workshop was held on August 26-27, 2019, at UC Berkeley’s Richmond Field Station. The meeting was well attended with approximately 50 participants and colleagues from PEER core institutions and from the PEER BIP program. The meeting was also hosted as a web-conference for researchers who could not attend in person. 20 PEER-funded projects were presented, and 4 projects with collaborative organizations were also presented. Click on the program image to view the agenda of presentations.

2021 DOE PEER Workshop

This workshop will bring together a group of international experts from the research and practitioner communities in the U.S. and Japan, to discuss state-of-the-art experimental techniques and emerging instrumentation technologies for large-scale SSI experiments that can produce unique experimental data to advance knowledge in natural hazards. The generated experimental data followed by research and development activities will ultimately result in updates to the technical standards and design guides, and build confidence in advanced nonlinear simulation techniques.