2018 PEER-USGS Workshop – HayWired and Building Codes, January 17

Haywired Flyer

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USGS -PEER wksp panelist

Workshop Panelists (L to R): Dale Cox, Laurence Kornfield, Laura Samant, Keith Porter, Khalid Mosalam

USGS - PEER workshop

PEER partnered with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to co-host this workshop to identify research needs and opportunities arising from the USGS HayWired Scenario’s examination of outcomes of current building code requirements.


January 17, 2018, 2:30pm – 5pm
Sibley Auditorium, Bechtel Engineering Center, UC Berkeley
Parking: Stadium Parking Structure, 2175 Gayley Road

PEER-USGS Workshop – HayWired and Building Codes

The HayWired scenario asks, “what if a Magnitude 7.0 earthquake happens on the Hayward Fault starting under Oakland, California, on 4/18/18 at 4:18PM?” In this workshop, participants discussed how scenarios like HayWired can inform a research agenda for new buildings’ earthquake resilience.

Experts from many disciplines estimated earth-science hazards, engineering impacts, and socioeconomic consequences of a large earthquake on the country’s most urbanized and active fault. Among other products, HayWired estimates outcomes if every Bay Area building met current code requirements before the earthquake occurred, providing a lens through which to view code objectives and options for a more resilient future building stock. Following the presentations, attendees discussed four questions:

1. What can a scenario say about building code adequacy that code writers should consider? How does this compare with what communities should consider?

2. Under what conditions is PBEE a practical resilience option for new buildings? What about increasing design strength and stiffness? What about other features such as self-centering frames? Others?

3. What current research could inform building code-writers’ and code-adopters’ decisions about resilience options?

4. What new research is needed to inform those decisions?

WORKSHOP PROGRAM (2:30pm – 5pm)