PEER Workshops

2025 PEER LBNL Workshop on the Regional Scale Simulated Ground Motion Database (SGMD) for the San Francisco Bay Area

The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) collaborated on the development of the first regional-scale, open-access simulated earthquake ground motion database for the San Francisco Bay Area. This community workshop focused on technical aspects of regional scale simulations and the implementation of the database.

2024 Researchers' Workshop

The Researchers' Workshop will be held on August 15 & 16, 2024 and feature presentations from all active PEER-funded projects from TSRP and PEER-Bridge Programs. The goal of the workshop is to disseminate information about research that is currently ongoing in the Center and to develop interaction between projects across disciplines.

2024 PEER - LBNL Workshop

The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) collaborated on the development of the first regional-scale, open-access simulated earthquake ground motion database for the San Francisco Bay Area. This community workshop focused on technical aspects of regional scale simulations and the implementation of the database.

PEER - LBNL Workshop on Simulated Ground Motions for the San Francisco Bay Area: Save the Date January 18-19, 2024

October 3, 2023

PEER-LBNL Workshop imageThe Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) are collaborating on the development of the first regional-scale, open-access simulated earthquake ground motion database for the San Francisco Bay Area. A community workshop to discuss technical aspects of regional scale simulations and the...

2022 Researchers' Workshop

The Researchers' Workshop held on September 19 & 20, 2022 features presentations from all active PEER-funded projects from TSRP and PEER-Bridge Programs. The goal of the workshop is to disseminate information about research that is currently ongoing in the Center and to develop interaction between projects across disciplines.

2021 PEER Researchers' Workshop

This workshop features presentations from all active PEER-funded projects from TSRP and PEER-Bridge Programs. The goal of the workshop is to disseminate information about research that is currently ongoing in the Center and to develop interaction between projects across disciplines. With a lot of time allocated for discussion, this workshop provides opportunities for active interaction among researchers, BIP members, sponsors and participants. This workshop is open to the PEER community.

2021 PEER International Pacific Rim Forum: June 16-17

This latest in a series of PEER Pacific Rim Forums will bring together multidisciplinary experts from structural and geotechnical engineering and the earth sciences to share recent research results as well as state-of-practice advancements and applications of regional-scale fault-to-structure simulations. Special attention will also be focused on the identification of key knowledge and capability gaps providing barriers to realizing the full potential of regional-scale simulations.

2015 Nuclear Resilience: UC Pacific Rim Forum held at UC Berkeley

On June 8-9, 2015, PEER hosted the latest in a series of Pacific Rim Forums focusing on the critical issue of resilience of nuclear facilities including nuclear power systems. Ensuring a resilient system that adequately addresses safety, response and mitigation concerns for extreme seismic and tsunami events is essential to achieving a safe facility and realizing the full potential of nuclear power for addressing the energy and environmental needs of a technologically advancing world. The Forum event was hosted in collaboration with the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, American Association of Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (AASMiRT), and Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF).

2017 Pacific Rim Forum: Earthquake Resilience of Nuclear Facilities

On January 23 & 24, 2017, PEER hosted the latest in a series of Pacific Rim Forums focusing on the critical issue of earthquake resilience of nuclear facilities. Nuclear facilities associated with power generation, nuclear materials processing and storage, and nuclear experimental science require the utmost attention with regard to facility resilience and safety.

Around the Pacific Rim, large earthquakes are a major design issue for nuclear facilities and advanced approaches for seismic analysis and design are essential to achieving appropriate levels of risk.

2018 PEER-USGS Workshop – HayWired and Building Codes, January 17

PEER partnered with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to co-host this workshop to identify research needs and opportunities arising from the USGS HayWired Scenario’s examination of outcomes of current building code requirements.