Project # NCTRJB
Research Team
- Jack Baker, Professor of Structural Engineering, Stanford University (PI)
- Nirmal Jayaram, Graduate Student, Stanford University
- Shrey Shahi, Graduate Student, Stanford University
Research Abstract
This project contains three subsets of objectives related to ground motion selection and scaling for transportation projects.
Objective 1, Ground Motion Selection, will consist of selecting a versatile set of ground motions for the TSRP program, to enable researchers to perform a variety of studies while still using a standardized set of ground motions.
To maximize the value of the ground motions selected, Objective 2, Guidance for Use of Ground Motions, will be conducted. These activities focus on enabling users to perform useful analyses with this ground motion set, which contains several new features that researchers will not be experienced in utilizing. The techniques will be demonstrated using example analyses of simple bilinear SDOF’s, to transparently illustrate the procedures in a situation where the audience can intuitively predict resulting responses.
Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) has become a popular tool for use in Performance Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE), to quantify the relationship between ground motion intensity measure (IM) and structural response. A notable shortcoming of this approach, however, is that the input ground motions are considered to be identical at all IM levels, while probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) clearly show that ground motion properties (such as causal magnitude and spectral shape) change as the IM changes. Objective 3 of this project, Demonstration of Adaptive Incremental Dynamic Analysis, will improve current IDA methods, to account for the fact that these grounmotion properties change with the IM.
Research Outcomes
The following files document selected ground motions for use in the PEER transportation systems research program.
- PEER Report 2011/03 – New Ground Motion Selection Procedures and Selected Motions for the PEER Transportation Research Program (PDF file – 4.7 MB) by Jack W. Baker, Ting Lin, Shrey K. Shahi, and Nirmal Jayaram
- Original programs (data-base metadata and unconditional selection scripts, in Matlab) used for the Ground Motion Selection ( ZIP files – 12 and 0.2 MB), available at Prof. Baker’s Research Group website
Set #1a: Broad-band ground motions (M = 7, R = 10 km, soil site)
See the report above for background regarding the selection of these ground motions.
- Spreadsheet documenting selected ground motions. Worksheets are provided to list a summary of the selected ground motions’ metadata, their response spectra, and comparisons of the ground motion set’s mean, standard deviation to comparable values predicted by ground motion models. (Excel file – 676 KB)
- Zip file containing acceleration time histories for the 40 selected ground motions. Fault-normal, fault-parallel and vertical components are included. (Zip file – 7 MB)
Set #1b: Broad-band ground motions (M = 6, R = 25 km, soil site)
See the report above for background regarding the selection of these ground motions.
- Spreadsheet documenting selected ground motions. Worksheets are provided to list a summary of the selected ground motions’ metadata, their response spectra, and comparisons of the ground motion set’s mean, standard deviation to comparable values predicted by ground motion models. (Excel file – 567 KB)
- Zip file containing acceleration time histories for the 40 selected ground motions. Fault-normal, fault-parallel and vertical components are included. (Zip file – 7 MB)
Set #2: Broad-band ground motions (M = 7, R = 10 km, rock site)
See the report above for background regarding the selection of these ground motions.
- Spreadsheet documenting selected ground motions. Worksheets are provided to list a summary of the selected ground motions’ metadata, their response spectra, and comparisons of the ground motion set’s mean, standard deviation to comparable values predicted by ground motion models. (Excel file – 664 KB)
- Zip file containing acceleration time histories for the 40 selected ground motions. Fault-normal, fault-parallel and vertical components are included. (Zip file – 5 MB)
Set #3: Pulse-like ground motions
See the report above for background regarding the selection of these ground motions. Further information on the technique used to identify these ground motions is available here.
- Spreadsheet documenting the properties of the selected pulse-like ground motions. (Excel file – 1.75 MB)
- Zip file containing acceleration and velocity time histories for the 40 selected pulse-like ground motions. Strike-normal, strike-parallel and vertical components are included. Separate sets of these time histories are provided for the original ground motions, extracted pulses, and residual ground motions. (Zip file – 16.2 MB)
Set #4: Site-specific ground motions for Oakland
This set of ground motions consists of ground motions selected to match the uniform hazard spectrum and associated causal events for a site in Oakland, California. Forty ground motions are provided to represent the ground motion hazard at each of three hazard levels (2%, 10% and 50% probabilities of exceedance in 50 years).
- Draft report documenting selected ground motions and the methods used to select them. (PDF file – 899 KB)
- Spreadsheet documenting the properties of the ground motions selected for the 2% in 50 years hazard level. (Excel file – 266 KB)
- Zip file containing acceleration time histories of the ground motions selected for the 2% in 50 years hazard level (Zip file – 3 MB)
- Spreadsheet documenting the properties of the ground motions selected for the 10% in 50 years hazard level. (Excel file – 276 KB)
- Zip file containing acceleration time histories of the ground motions selected for the 10% in 50 years hazard level (Zip file – 2.94 MB)
- Spreadsheet documenting the properties of the ground motions selected for the 50% in 50 years hazard level. (Excel file – 266 KB)
- Zip file containing acceleration time histories of the ground motions selected for the 50% in 50 years hazard level (Zip file – 3.2 MB)
Presentations and other
The following are presentations given in the process of developing these ground motions
- August 25, 2009 presentation of ideas for ground motion selection. (PDF file – 1.4 MB)
- October 16th, 2009 presentation of draft selected ground motions. (PDF file – 440 KB)
Research Impact
Ground motion selection is a topic of growing concern in practice, due to the growing use of nonlinear dynamic analysis (see, e.g. SEAONC’s recently initiated Seismology Subcommittee on Ground Motions). The results from this project may thus be a useful resource to the growing number of practitioners with interest in selecting and utilizing ground motions for analysis.
PEER Center - 325 Davis Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1792 -